New functionality |
Integrated Budget Management Tools. Integrated Budget Management Tools.New functionalityVersion: 2.8.1
Information: Comprehensive improvements have been made to the budget list view in the PROJECTS section, enabling more intuitive and efficient management of project budgets. A new feature has been added to enable transparent monitoring of recurring budgets, making it easier to track and analyze recurring project-related expenses. |
New functionality |
Group Marking of Items as Read.Group Marking of Items as Read.New functionalityVersion: 2.8.1
Information: A function has been added to allow group marking of items as read. This function works on all items/tags filtered according to the selected criterion. |
New functionality |
Enhanced File Management: Public and Internal in Tasks.Enhanced File Management: Public and Internal in Tasks.New functionalityVersion: 2.8.1
Information: New functionality allows users to add and manage files in Tasks. Now users have the ability to assign files to Tasks, defining them as Public or Internal. Public files are available to all interested parties, while Internal files are restricted to internal visibility. This new option facilitates efficient information sharing and documentation management within projects. |
New functionality |
Access for Internal Users. Access for Internal Users.New functionalityVersion: 2.8.1
Information: A new feature has been added to add access to specific resources for any internal user. Now administrators have the flexibility to manage permissions, allowing them to precisely control access to data and resources internally. This enhancement facilitates personalized privilege management based on organizational needs. |
New functionality |
Updating the List of Users with Additional 'SUPERIOR and WORKPLACE' Filters. Updating the List of Users with Additional 'SUPERIOR and WORKPLACE' Filters.New functionalityVersion: 2.8.1
Information: The user list has been updated with additional SUPERIOR and WORKPLACE filters. Now users can more precisely sort and search for users based on their supervisor (SUPERIOR) and work location (WORKPLACE). This makes it easier to effectively manage users and quickly find the information they need in the system. |
New functionality |
Added UNREAD ACTIVITY filter for Companies / Contacts / Orders. Added UNREAD ACTIVITY filter for Companies / Contacts / Orders.New functionalityVersion: 2.8.1
Information: A new UNREAD ACTIVITY filter function has been introduced for the Companies, Contacts and Orders sections. Now users can easily identify unread activity in related activities, allowing them to effectively track new information in the Companies, Contacts and Orders areas. This enhancement increases efficiency and awareness in managing activities in the system. |
New functionality |
New Tab: List of Budgets in PROJECTS. New Tab: List of Budgets in PROJECTS.New functionalityVersion: 2.8.1
Information: A new tab, the Budgets List, has been introduced in the PROJECTS section for easy and quick tracking and management of budgets for related projects. Now users have central access to budget information in the context of specific projects, increasing the efficiency of financial management within projects. |
Improvement |
Add the Total of Additional Orders to the Edit Process.Add the Total of Additional Orders to the Edit Process.ImprovementVersion: 2.8.1
Improvement |
Added CATEGORY Parameter to Project Edit.Added CATEGORY Parameter to Project Edit.ImprovementVersion: 2.8.1
Improvement |
New Helpdesk Vision: Add Name to Global Task List in Helpdesk.New Helpdesk Vision: Add Name to Global Task List in Helpdesk.ImprovementVersion: 2.8.1
Improvement |
Split Edit Permissions Between Task and Subtask.Split Edit Permissions Between Task and Subtask.ImprovementVersion: 2.8.1
Improvement |
Added Filtered Invoice Summary Function.Added Filtered Invoice Summary Function.ImprovementVersion: 2.8.1
Improvement |
Expanded Finance Control: Add Additional Filters to Invoice List in Orders.Expanded Finance Control: Add Additional Filters to Invoice List in Orders.ImprovementVersion: 2.8.1
Improvement |
Block Display of Tasks Without Assigned Budgets on Gantt Diagram.Block Display of Tasks Without Assigned Budgets on Gantt Diagram.ImprovementVersion: 2.8.1
Improvement |
Added 'Unread Item' Function on the Recently Updated Tasks Widget.Added 'Unread Item' Function on the Recently Updated Tasks Widget.ImprovementVersion: 2.8.1
Improvement |
Description to Display Library Values.Description to Display Library Values.ImprovementVersion: 2.8.1
Improvement |
Option to Delete Attached Photo in Project Edit.Option to Delete Attached Photo in Project Edit.ImprovementVersion: 2.8.1
Improvement |
User Selection 'UNASSIGNED' option in Filter Definition.User Selection 'UNASSIGNED' option in Filter Definition.ImprovementVersion: 2.8.1
Improving sorting by status in budgets.Improving sorting by status in budgets.FIXVersion: 2.8.0
Fix bug with print options not working on job listFix bug with print options not working on job listFIXVersion: 2.8.0
Improved filter cleaning functionality on the Orders tabImproved filter cleaning functionality on the Orders tabFIXVersion: 2.8.1
Improved functionality of auxiliary views in CRM moduleImproved functionality of auxiliary views in CRM moduleFIXVersion: 2.8.1
Fixed bug with displaying currencyFixed bug with displaying currencyFIXVersion: 2.8.1
Fixed Default Project Filters.Fixed Default Project Filters.FIXVersion: 2.8.1
Protection against loss of changes in Resource Gantt.Protection against loss of changes in Resource Gantt.FIXVersion: 2.8.1
Improvements in Edit Subtasks.Improvements in Edit Subtasks.FIXVersion: 2.8.1
Elimination of No Reason Alert in Expanses in Orders.Elimination of No Reason Alert in Expanses in Orders.FIXVersion: 2.8.1
Improvements in Refreshing Data.Improvements in Refreshing Data.FIXVersion: 2.8.1
Correction of Permissions when creating Tasks.Correction of Permissions when creating Tasks.FIXVersion: 2.8.1
Improvements in the SUBtask Copy Process.Improvements in the SUBtask Copy Process.FIXVersion: 2.8.1
Improvements in Displaying the Item Window from Subtasks.Improvements in Displaying the Item Window from Subtasks.FIXVersion: 2.8.1
Improvements in Opening VARIATION ORDER.Improvements in Opening VARIATION ORDER.FIXVersion: 2.8.1
Improvements in the Subtask Copy Process.Improvements in the Subtask Copy Process.FIXVersion: 2.8.1
New functionality |
Added FINISH DATE column to revision list in shuffle edit |
New functionality |
Added ability to open order view from the deal edit level |
New functionality |
Adding a column with the billing rate of time worked in the project |
New functionality |
Linking external user to CRM |
New functionality |
New graphic layout of the order view.New graphic layout of the order view.New functionalityVersion: 2.8.0
Information: The new concept allows you to handle both the main order and additional orders in one modal using tabs. A graphical presentation of invoice status and new, more readable form of presenting general data has been added. Additional presentation of the total value of orders in relation to expenses along with the calculation of the sales margin. |
New functionality |
Possibility of alphabetical sorting in the list of users |
New functionality |
Preview of the breakdown of hours per project in Working time - user monthly |
New functionality |
Add exponses tab in Orders view |
New functionality |
Project status workflowProject status workflowNew functionalityVersion: 2.8.0
Information: Thanks to this functionality, you can define ststus for projects.
New functionality |
Deals filtering by Unread activity |
New functionality |
Copying tasks |
New functionality |
A report merge solution has been added for the User weekly working time report |
New functionality |
Association of the PRODUCT parameter from deals with the order created from it. |
New functionality |
Added to the Deals list the ability to create an order from a deal |
New functionality |
Added the Orders tab in the Company and Contacts editions |
New functionality |
Introduced the ability to open the Deal edit from the Order edit level |
New functionality |
New uprights to block the display of subtasks all / own |
Improvement |
Adding a new column in Orders with information about the invoice amount.Adding a new column in Orders with information about the invoice amount.ImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Selecting a responsible person is now requiredSelecting a responsible person is now requiredImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
The ability to delete a comment from the TASKS edit level has been addedThe ability to delete a comment from the TASKS edit level has been addedImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Checkbox for default method of sending notifications, Action needed only and All itemsCheckbox for default method of sending notifications, Action needed only and All itemsImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Possibility to define default value of revisionPossibility to define default value of revisionImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Hiding the project number when we have one project in the order.Hiding the project number when we have one project in the order.ImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Ability to list contacts assigned to a particular companyAbility to list contacts assigned to a particular companyImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Information Added a filter that allows you to search for contacts by company name |
Improvement |
Ability to list contacts assigned to a particular companyAbility to list contacts assigned to a particular companyImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Renaming the status filter on the order listRenaming the status filter on the order listImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Ability to link companies and contacts in the CRM moduleAbility to link companies and contacts in the CRM moduleImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Added order label on delas listAdded order label on delas listImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Ability to filter by flagAbility to filter by flagImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Ability to add files and links in DEALS, ORDERS, COMPANIES and CONTACTSAbility to add files and links in DEALS, ORDERS, COMPANIES and CONTACTSImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Addition of orders column in the comapnys listAddition of orders column in the comapnys listImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Added labels for SUB and TCKAdded labels for SUB and TCKImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Notification has been added with the number of SUBtasks in the taskNotification has been added with the number of SUBtasks in the taskImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Adding the ability to make an item public from the task windowAdding the ability to make an item public from the task windowImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Separate the login function from the correspondence email addressSeparate the login function from the correspondence email addressImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Adding the Return Symbol from the edit window of the contact to the companyAdding the Return Symbol from the edit window of the contact to the companyImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Changing the selectors used in the CRM moduleChanging the selectors used in the CRM moduleImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Changing the selectors used in the CRM moduleChanging the selectors used in the CRM moduleImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Information ... |
Improvement |
Added Spent Time field in the SUB Task editing windowAdded Spent Time field in the SUB Task editing windowImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
In order editing, added two selectors BROKER (VENDOR), END-CLIENTIn order editing, added two selectors BROKER (VENDOR), END-CLIENTImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improvement |
Changes to the drop-down lists in the CRM module ( DELAS | COMPANIES | CONTAKTS )Changes to the drop-down lists in the CRM module ( DELAS | COMPANIES | CONTAKTS )ImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
InformationExpandable lists in the CRM module ( DELAS | COMPANIES | CONTAKTS with the ability to search by free character entry |
Improvement |
In reports, added customer name next to project nameIn reports, added customer name next to project nameImprovementVersion: 2.8.0
Improving sorting by status in budgets.Improving sorting by status in budgets.FIXVersion: 2.8.0
Fix bug with print options not working on job listFix bug with print options not working on job listFIXVersion: 2.8.0
Correction of the error of displaying the subtask from the budget editionCorrection of the error of displaying the subtask from the budget editionFIXVersion: 2.8.0
Fix bug with sorting lists of companies and contaktsFix bug with sorting lists of companies and contaktsFIXVersion: 2.8.0
Fix bug with item sortingFix bug with item sortingFIXVersion: 2.8.0
Fix error with link copyingFix error with link copyingFIXVersion: 2.8.0
- Fix add user to projectFix add user to projectVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Fix show only own ordersFix show only own ordersVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Fix deals listFix deals listVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Fix show spent time on budgetFix show spent time on budgetVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Fix send protocol updae emailFix send protocol updae emailVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Fix download protocol fileFix download protocol fileVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Fix add category to project in apiFix add category to project in apiVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Fix set user project role in apiFix set user project role in apiVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Fix set read item for authorFix set read item for authorVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Fix save information board in apiFix save information board in apiVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Fix generate url for files in apiFix generate url for files in apiVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Fix reset password allowed timeFix reset password allowed timeVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Fix filter working time by userFix filter working time by userVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Fix filter unread itemsFix filter unread itemsVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Fix show project manager on item and gantt listFix show project manager on item and gantt listVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Code refactoringCode refactoringVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Adding a new functionality of marking tasks with flagsAdding a new functionality of marking tasks with flagsVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Added new functionality Project Dependent ModulesAdded new functionality Project Dependent ModulesVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Changing sort by task status in edit budget modalChanging sort by task status in edit budget modalVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Changing groupping in ganttChanging groupping in ganttVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Change protocol pdf param namesChange protocol pdf param namesVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Blocking the ability to create a project with a name that already existsBlocking the ability to create a project with a name that already existsVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Implementation of grouping parameter selection on GantImplementation of grouping parameter selection on GantVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Enabling adding working time without specifying a personEnabling adding working time without specifying a personVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Added automatic creation of a hyperlink after pasting a link in the content of an item.Added automatic creation of a hyperlink after pasting a link in the content of an item.Version: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Changed the Budget Widget to only show projects with a recurring budgetChanged the Budget Widget to only show projects with a recurring budgetVersion: V 2.7.2 (2023.07.14)
- Fixes deal activity viewFixes deal activity viewhow author of email activityVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Add block access to item tabAdd block access to item tabVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Fixed items filtering by unread itemsFixed items filtering by unread itemsVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Change privilege name from Client users to External usersChange privilege name from Client users to External usersVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Added created and finisch date fields in order editionAdded created and finisch date fields in order editionVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Added tool tip in places with the ability to download linksAdded tool tip in places with the ability to download linksVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Adjust calculate project progress for project listAdjust calculate project progress for project listVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Fix calculate budgets total valuesFix calculate budgets total valuesVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Code refactoringCode refactoringVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Added the ability to open an item from mail on the dashboard with limited permissions to the projectAdded the ability to open an item from mail on the dashboard with limited permissions to the projectVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Added the possibility of assigning a Project Manager to the projectAdded the possibility of assigning a Project Manager to the projectVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Fix saving company through company tab in contact modalFix saving company through company tab in contact modalVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Added the possibility of combining contact with the contractAdded the possibility of combining contact with the contractVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Fix error when missing company domainFix error when missing company domainVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- CSend change password link instead of password for new account emailSend change password link instead of password for new account emailVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Changes in the method of providing access dataChanges in the method of providing access dataVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Added the ability to edit an order in the budget list viewAdded the ability to edit an order in the budget list viewVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Correct passing create datetime to form, delete unused form fields in suborder formCorrect passing create datetime to form, delete unused form fields in suborder formVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Adding the ability to select categories that will be visible in the projectAdding the ability to select categories that will be visible in the projectVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Added spend time tab in task edit windowAdded spend time tab in task edit windowVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Fix edit deal activityFix edit deal activityVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Fix set task budget on subtasks whedn adding new budget from task modalFix set task budget on subtasks whedn adding new budget from task modalVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Fix fetch one commentFix fetch one commentVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Fix resize item imagesFix resize item imagesVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Fix download email, set item unread, update symfony packagesFix download email, set item unread, update symfony packagesVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Fix empty add or find company contact listFix empty add or find company contact listVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Fix auto logoutFix auto logoutVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Change routes and entity annotation to attributesChange routes and entity annotation to attributesVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Fix calculate first recurring budget hoursFix calculate first recurring budget hoursVersion: V 2.7 (2023.06.09)
- Fix sorting dealsFix sorting dealsVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Allow add and edit external system roles and change external system role on userAllow add and edit external system roles and change external system role on userVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Fix generate past recurring budgets during addingFix generate past recurring budgets during addingVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Remove unnecessary permissionsRemove unnecessary permissionsVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Set external user active flag by api parameterSet external user active flag by api parameterVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Change task workload privilege name and descriptionChange task workload privilege name and descriptionVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Fix show selected show ticket spent time in edit roleFix show selected show ticket spent time in edit roleVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Fix aggregate budget hourFix aggregate budget hourVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Code refactoringCode refactoringVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Fix multiple refresh task data after item status changeFix multiple refresh task data after item status changeVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Fix fetch project orders with suborders for budgetFix fetch project orders with suborders for budgetVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Create migration which adds position type column to position entityCreate migration which adds position type column to position entityVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Add position type field to position add and edit formAdd position type field to position add and edit formVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Add position type constantsAdd position type constantsVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Add position type field to position add and edit form viewsAdd position type field to position add and edit form viewsVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Change from fetching all positions to positions which are visibile to all and which are visible to users or contactsChange from fetching all positions to positions which are visibile to all and which are visible to users or contactsVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Disable adding from autocomplete only new contact positionsDisable adding from autocomplete only new contact positionsVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Correct position fetch in user add form ctrlCorrect position fetch in user add form ctrlVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Save new positions from add and edit contact forms to librarySave new positions from add and edit contact forms to libraryVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Added ability to link Tasks, Items, and DealsAdded ability to link Tasks, Items, and DealsVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Setting companmy working hours and additional rules to manualy add timesSetting companmy working hours and additional rules to manualy add timesVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Add default filter column to project filters table in filters tab, add global filters section to filters tabAdd default filter column to project filters table in filters tab, add global filters section to filters tabVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Add default project filter functionality to project filter listAdd default project filter functionality to project filter listVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Correct annotations, correct dynamic properties in command, correct where clauses in position repositoryCorrect annotations, correct dynamic properties in command, correct where clauses in position repositoryVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Add position type filter to position list, correct bug in add position type form, add position types to positions listAdd position type filter to position list, correct bug in add position type form, add position types to positions listVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Correct global filter table in project filter tab, set project default filter priority over default global filterCorrect global filter table in project filter tab, set project default filter priority over default global filterVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Correct default project filter uncheck functionalityCorrect default project filter uncheck functionalityVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Add system notifications about deals status change on activities listAdd system notifications about deals status change on activities listVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Correct message on deal status change, hide edit and delete button on system deal activity commentsCorrect message on deal status change, hide edit and delete button on system deal activity commentsVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- System and project role restricted for external usersSystem and project role restricted for external usersVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Fix timezoneFix timezoneVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Fix download ticket from emailFix download ticket from emailVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Fix filter ordersFix filter ordersVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Update subtask parameters after changing project on taskUpdate subtask parameters after changing project on taskVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Fix reset passwordFix reset passwordVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Fix calculate budget time and clear budget numberFix calculate budget time and clear budget numberVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Mapping contr date from task to subtasksMapping contr date from task to subtasksVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Fix save recurring budget with future dateFix save recurring budget with future dateVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Fix double email message or missing email for action userFix double email message or missing email for action userVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Fix save open task parameter in edit budgetFix save open task parameter in edit budgetVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Fix save currency exchange rate correctlyFix save currency exchange rate correctlyVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Fix save currency exchange rate correctlyFix save currency exchange rate correctlyVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Added the ability to generate reports to xlsadded the ability to generate reports to xlsVersion: V 2.6 (2023.05.10)
- Added filters on project listAdded filters on project listVersion: V 2.5.1 (2023.04.05)
Added filters on project list. |
- Added my responsibility option to responsibility field in global filters, activate filter in project, gantt and task viewsAdded my responsibility option to responsibility field in global filters, activate filter in project, gantt and task viewsVersion: V 2.5.1 (2023.04.05)
Added my responsibility option to responsibility field in global filters, activate filter in project, gantt and task view. |
- Fixed missing data and filters on project listFixed missing data and filters on project listVersion: V 2.5.1 (2023.04.05)
- Fixed task filtering in private and project filtersFixed task filtering in private and project filtersVersion: V 2.5.1 (2023.04.05)
- Fixed save of private filtersFixed save of private filtersVersion: V 2.5.1 (2023.04.05)
- Fixed font in tickets downloaded from e-mailFixed font in tickets downloaded from e-mailVersion: V 2.5.1 (2023.04.05)
- Fixed user weekly working time reportFixed user weekly working time reportVersion: V 2.5.1 (2023.04.05)
- Fixed view of budgets settingsFixed view of budgets settingsVersion: V 2.5.1 (2023.04.05)
- Fixed upload and download files from dealsFixed upload and download files from dealsVersion: V 2.5.1 (2023.04.05)
- Improved employee working time reportImproved employee working time reportVersion: V 2.5.1 (2023.04.05)
- Increased size of item modalIncreased size of item modalVersion: V 2.5.1 (2023.04.05)
- Removed wrong value from select responsible user in task modalRemoved wrong value from select responsible user in task modalVersion: V 2.5.1 (2023.04.05)
- Added activity tab in dealsAdded activity tab in dealsVersion: V 2.4.0 (2022.10.17)
- Added user time sheet tab in time trackingAdded user time sheet tab in time trackingVersion: V 2.4.0 (2022.10.17)
- Added filtering by author in shuffle listsAdded filtering by author in shuffle listsVersion: V 2.4.0 (2022.10.17)
- Hid redirect icon to taska in comment view if one does not have permission to view taska list in projectHid redirect icon to taska in comment view if one does not have permission to view taska list in projectVersion: V 2.4.0 (2022.10.17)
- Fixed pagination of items on dashboardFixed pagination of items on dashboardVersion: V 2.4.0 (2022.10.17)
- Fixed display of data on ticket monthly statistics widgetFixed display of data on ticket monthly statistics widgetVersion: V 2.4.0 (2022.10.17)
- Fixed importing shuffles from csv to ignore incorrect character encoding and cut them outFixed importing shuffles from csv to ignore incorrect character encoding and cut them outVersion: V 2.4.0 (2022.10.17)
- Fixed display of unread item icon without full item view permissionsFixed display of unread item icon without full item view permissionsVersion: V 2.4.0 (2022.10.17)
- Added open and unread item icons on kanban viewAdded open and unread item icons on kanban viewVersion: V 2.4.0 (2022.10.17)
- Added shuffle status change logAdded shuffle status change logVersion: V 2.4.0 (2022.10.17)
- Fixed changing the comment icon in the task modal when its status is changed to closed and vice versaFixed changing the comment icon in the task modal when its status is changed to closed and vice versaVersion: V 2.4.0 (2022.10.17)
- Added blocking of closing a ticket from the comment modal having the related permission enabledAdded blocking of closing a ticket from the comment modal having the related permission enabledVersion: V 2.4.0 (2022.10.17)
- Fixed the return of color time ranges from 3 to 5 percent on the User monthly viewFixed the return of color time ranges from 3 to 5 percent on the User monthly viewVersion: V 2.4.0 (2022.10.17)
- Fixed an error of changing a project on a task that has no category assignedFixed an error of changing a project on a task that has no category assignedVersion: V 2.4.0 (2022.10.17)
- Fixed display of company owner avatar on company listFixed display of company owner avatar on company listVersion: V 2.4.0 (2022.10.17)
- Fixed opening and copying of company url in company preview modalFixed opening and copying of company url in company preview modalVersion: V 2.4.0 (2022.10.17)
- Fixed bug in displaying list of users having only system access to itFixed bug in displaying list of users having only system access to itVersion: V 2.4.0 (2022.10.17)
- Resetting the budget on the taskbar when changing a project on itResetting the budget on the taskbar when changing a project on itVersion: V 2.4.0 (2022.10.17)
- Added option to change view type between regular and helpdesk in the list of all tasksAdded option to change view type between regular and helpdesk in the list of all tasksVersion: V 2.3.1 (2022.10.17)
- Fixed updating access to a task after changing a project on itFixed updating access to a task after changing a project on itVersion: V 2.3.1 (2022.10.17)
- Restored pagination in the list of access rolesRestored pagination in the list of access rolesVersion: V 2.3.1 (2022.10.17)
- Disabled project requirement in orders.Disabled project requirement in orders.Type:
Status: Done
Order selection in the budget was limited to those that are assigned to a project or have no project at all |
- Added sorting of the shuffle list by responsible personAdded sorting of the shuffle list by responsible personVersion: V 2.3.1 (2022.10.17)
- Kanban view addedKanban view addedVersion: V 2.3.0 (2022.09.19)
- Added order selection in the budgetAdded order selection in the budgetVersion: V 2.3.0 (2022.09.19)
- Fixed copying of project with budgetRFixed copying of project with budgetVersion: V 2.3.0 (2022.09.19)
- Added ability to expand all groups on gantt at once
- Added instance company logo in new user creation email
- Fixed counting of number of items in information board widget
- Fixed missing revision number in the list for some tickets
- Added translations to two new widgets
- Added an icon of unread items in the list of shuffles
- Fixed styling of various elements
- Fixed import of shuffles from csv files
- Added filter for unread items in the shuffle list
- Fixed editing of deal documents
- Added visibility flag next to project roles - from now on, not all roles will be able to be set by users. Roles without this flag can only be assigned by admin
- Fixed an error in saving shuffle and ticket
- Added other item functions in the taska modal
- Added password validation
- Fixed the problem of adding a taska from the edit budget level
- Added description in select budget in Order modal
- Added options to reassign a taska to another project
- Showing the flag in the ticket list
- Fixed filtering of subtasks by responsible person
- Fixed formatting of values in order
- Improved search by budget in the list of tickets
- Calculating used time per revision by budgetHour instead of estimatedHour
- Refactoring TimeTracking, Dashboard and Report modules for future Symfony version upgrade
- Fixed a bug in sending an email with a report
- Fixes in the operation of the Information Board
- Fixed stopping the SLA after changing the status to the correct one
- Fixed Gantt file upload
- Improved appearance and performance of the instance company information widget
- Added option to create new shuffles, tickets and subtasks on views of all items
- Ticket widget without sla - added search by status and other columns
- Added default currency and rate download from external source
- Added currency to deal
- Added subcontractor Head and Manager link to order
- Added permission to block closing shuffles with open items
- Graphic improvements of the contact view in CRM
- Added ability to search for a responsible person in a task
- Added ability to set display order in PRIORITIES, DEAL STAGES, ITEM FLAGS
- Graphic improvements of the company view in CRM
- Creation of Daily Working Time Report
- Adding task status in Item editing modal
- Adding a dictionary with statuses
- Adding workflow controls for deal in the deal list
- Managing the data of the company that owns the instance
- Adding task and subtask labels on widgets
- Creating a "Tasks" widget, without SLAs
- Corrected errors in the operation of tickets after the changes
- Converting pasted images into physical files in ticket modals
- Blocked possibility to add new items for tickets
- Graphic fixes in company, contact and deal
- Adding internal user to deal document
- Added empty option to filters
- Possibility to go to shuffle preview right after adding it
- Ability to change the display order of selected dictionary items
- Added ability to change status and progress in comment view on dashboard
- Selecting status finish progress is automatically set to 100
- Api methods to manage users, projects and dictionaries group, category, shuffle type, status, priority
- Converting the existing ticket system into tasks giving them almost identical functionality
- Multilingualism added - work in progress
- Added a tab in the global settings for entering instance company data
- Instance company data widget has been added - it requires ostyling
- Added instanced company logo in pdf reports
- Api - gantt file downloading
- Ability to upload a gantt file for a project
- Created "Project" modal with information about the number of completed tasks/tickets and the ability to download the gantt file
- Added the ability to generate open url for comments whose main comment is internal
- Removed resource management link from the menu
- Fixed a problem with adding a user
- Fixed a project copying error
- Added empty option to filters
- Possibility to go to shuffle preview right after adding it
- Ability to change the display order of selected dictionary items
- Added ability to change status and progress in comment view on dashboard
- Selecting status finish progress is automatically set to 100
- Api methods to manage users, projects and dictionaries group, category, shuffle type, status, priority
- Converting the existing ticket system into tasks giving them almost identical functionality
- Multilingualism added - work in progress
- Added a tab in the global settings for entering instance company data
- Instance company data widget has been added - it requires ostyling
- Added instanced company logo in pdf reports
- Api - gantt file downloading
- Ability to upload a gantt file for a project
- Created "Project" modal with information about the number of completed tasks/tickets and the ability to download the gantt file
- Added the ability to generate open url for comments whose main comment is internal
- Removed resource management link from the menu
- Company tab reworked and expanded
- Contact functionality added
- Grouped Deals, Company and Contact into one Crm tab
- Added legend on USer Monthly view
- Category and monthly hours to be worked are transferred to the time tracking application
- Refresh gantt view after saving changes
- Added additional parameter to import shuffles from csv
- Added combination of time permissions - having view own and add permissions you can add time only to yourself
- Automatic setting of the user selected in the filter when adding working time
- Changed parameter name in your working time widget to statutory hours today
- Improved filtering of subtasks in shuffle details
- Automatic refreshing of user's taska permissions after saving changes to the taska
- Changed the condition for messages to appear on the budget view and taska modal from estimated to spent hours
- Improved automatic generation of project and budget number
- Hiding the delegation field when adding a task without having view permission for it
- Fixed filtering of subtasks using the my subtasks option
- Fixed returning of appropriate projects to the burndown widget
- Fixed deletion of deal files
- Added dealProduct dictionary associated with deals
- Added relation between start and stop dates in add, edit, report generation and filter forms - in stop date - you cannot select a date earlier than the one selected in start
- Refresh the list of comments after editing the header
- Improved behavior of copied project
- Automatic numbering of projects and budgets
- Centered the current day on the gantt chart by changing the scale
- Fixed display of task type in reports
- Fixed shuffle search in add and edit ticket modal
- Added search field by text in report generation modal
- Using the my tickets button on the widget and tickets view, filtering is done by responsibility and created
- Added a flag hiding the selection of a given project on the burndown widget
- Task deletion has been improved
- Improved filtering of tickets by responsible person
- Improved sending of email notifications on ticket comments
- Added budget hour field to revisions
- Added ability to view/add responses from the dashboard
- Improved generation of avatars in open access, print and email comments
- Improved return of ticket list based on permissions
- Improved filtering of data when an ng-tag containing whitespace characters in the content is used
- Improved report generation for shuffles without budget
- Corrected redirecting to comments from the dashboard
- Multilinking in revisions has been introduced
- Correction of ticket permissions
- Correction of filtering work times by dates
- Changed multiselect control in filters for work times, all shuffles and project shuffles
- Exporting budgets to pdf csv and xls
- Conversion of helpdesk permissions from system permissions to project permissions
- Correction of sla calculation in the situation when the request was created on a non-working day
- Editing shuffle in the budget modal
- Added tooltips for budget alerts
- Improved filtering of working times by department
- Added tooltips on the list of deals
- Added in budget modal for revisions not assigned to the budget
- Changed the appearance of the save button in the taska modal and the icon for adding a reply to a comment
- Display of flag in closed comments
- Fixed a problem with counting unread comments
- Added a value to the monthly hours chart widget showing how many hours need to be worked up to and including the current day
- Fixed scrolling of some filters in the list of working times
- Added refreshing of widgets every specified time - lists 2 minutes, charts 10 minutes
- Added ability to change gantt chart after due date or contract date
- Other filters in the list of work times now load based on the start end dates entered
- You no longer need to have view permission on the project edit form to see the budgets tab
- Disabling due date requirement on tickets, setting due date based on sla
- On-the-fly saving of data in the budget editing modal
- Editing budget time from the list
- Displaying priority in the shuffle modal and in the shuffle list
- Added option to clear filter values in multiselect in sidebar
- Fixed empty dropdown for comments flag
- Display of budget title in selection selectors
- Locked comment saving until the attachment upload is complete
- Added setting the revision status of the ticket when retrieving a message from an email
- In the recently updated comments widget, the "my responsibilities" filter also filters by comment author
- Improved filtering of comments by flag
- When adding and editing a ticket, only users who have access to the task are now selectable
- Changed api configuration for connecting to dms and qbrack
- Corrected operation of deals, added update date
- Improved authorization for revision delegation
- Including estimated time of subtasks and tickets in budgets
- Display of dictionary descriptions in selection selections
- Improved addition of users
- Added separator of thousands in total hours of operation
- Disabled refreshing the comment list on status change when status filter is active
- Changed the visibility of the shuffle for all users in the shuffle modal
- Hid internal user fields when adding/editing an external account
- Display priority and read status of comment in ticket list
- Added label view in report list, changed number of displayed items in report modal
- Showing entire comment thread in shuffle modal
- Added comment flag dictionary and ability to set flag on comment
- Minor improvements to the operation and appearance of comments, taska modal and deals
- Added deal visibility
- Separate permission for for shuffle revision delegation
- Changed order of sorting tickets based on status
- Removed duplicate budgets when generating project report
- Allowing copy paste text into comments with formatting
- Correction of user list in adding deal
- Showing the total number of hours estimate on shuffle revision including subtasks estimate
- Correction of counting hours worked on user report
- Minor frontend fixes
- Changing the rules and the way roles are assigned for external accounts
- Fixes in downloading emails
- Correction of avatar generation in deals
- Introduced licenses limiting the number of internal accounts and the running time of the application
- Refactoring modals
- Fixes adding/editing runtime
- Fixes in the import of tickers
- Improvement in downloading the list of users to a ticket after a design change
- Unassigned option in filter responsibility of different views
- Changed the order of main menu items
- Fixed a bug of adding a shuffle with an attachment
- Fixed a bug of downloading an email without a title
- Changing the status name from Client to Pending
- Ability to disable on a project the option to add work time manually and by application
- Improved display of the correct number of unread comments when one of them is opened
- Improved filtering of results by budgets on Time consumption view
- Default sorting of comments by update date
- New background on the login screen
- Improved rounding of summed hours in budgets
- Improved updating of the date of attachment addition if an old attachment was deleted and a new one added at the same time
- Showing project statistics only for in-progress and hold statuses
- Standardized formatting of times in reports
- Changed the order of filters in the sidebar
- Added description field to project type dictionary
- Improved grouping of project reports (index) generated in the same pool
- Improved alignment of budget statistics
- Displaying the generated project report in the list only when all its components have been processed
- Fixed the drop-down menu on the row in the subtasks list
- Fixed to make the project statistics count on the basis of the revision budget and not the shuffle
- Displayed the number of unread comments on the project stats widget
- Introduced 'OWN' permission for 'user monthly working time' view
- Introduced the ability to indicate in the editing of the project to which shuffle should be assigned notifications downloaded from email
- Possibility to select subtasks of a specific task by adding comments from the list of tasks or modal of the task
- Generation of avatar thumbnails
- Improved downloading of tasks to the desktop application of working times
- Added department, workplace and superior filter on "User monthly" view
- Added "my responsibility" filter on "last items" and "last updated tasks" widgets
- Completely removed references to Activity entities from the code
- Budget was added to access groups
- Improved display of the "Tasks in progress" widget
- Improved data calculation and appearance of employee weekly report
- Fixed grouping of project reports into one record
- Fixed filtering of other filters after selecting a project on the working time view
- Fixed the error of adding working time manually
- Changed the colors of the buttons on the dashboard
- Maintaining custom filter after editing shuffle
- Warning about not sent reply when trying to change comment
- Removed Activity dictionary and reordered the others
- Ability to set priority when adding a new comment
- Changed the number of displayed items in the budget revision modal
- Opening the budget modal when clicking on a line
- Added revision statistics in the budget modal
- Displaying all time worked including subtasks and tickers in the shuffle modal
- Author can manage a new project as soon as it is created and assigned a group and role
- Improved retrieval of emails from the mailbox
- Added user report with weekly summary of working hours
- Added filtering of other filters after selecting one or more projects
- Changed project report to also include working times without budgets
- Improved import of tasks from csv and added sample file
- The "my dept" filter was added to the "Task in progress" widget and the title of the task was added to the results table